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SSH Keys

Each Trellis playbook uses a specific SSH user to connect to your remote machines (or virtual machine in development).

Playbook Default User User Variable Task
dev.yml vagrant - create development VMs
server.yml root or admin admin_user provision remote servers
deploy.yml web web_user deploy WordPress sites

This page reviews how to configure SSH users for the server.yml and deploy.yml playbooks. If you are looking for general SSH configuration options, see the sshd role .

If you will be the only person provisioning and deploying, and your SSH public key is available at ~/.ssh/, you probably won't need to modify the Trellis defaults for users.

The users Dictionary

While provisioning, server.yml will create the users defined in group_vars/all/users.yml, assigning their groups and public SSH keys. The example below defines a single user.

  - name: username
      - primary_group
      - other_group
      - "{{ lookup('file', '/path/to/local/file') }}"

Specify the user's primary group first in the list of groups. List keys for anyone who will need to make an SSH connection as that user. server.yml can lookup keys in local files or retrieve them from remote host URLs.

GitHub example

Using<username>.keys is a quick way to get all the public SSH keys you have on your GitHub account added onto the server.

If needed, you can define different users per environment by redefining users in any group_vars/<environment>/users.yml file.


Trellis assumes that when you first create your server you've already added your SSH key to the root account. How this happens depends on your cloud provider but here's a few common ones:

  • Digital Ocean: gives you the option to automatically add your SSH key when creating your droplet
  • AWS: provides a pem file which needs to be converted to a pub file for use with Ansible (example: ssh-keygen -y -f private_key1.pem > )

server.yml will try to connect to your server as root. If the connection fails, server.yml will try to connect as the admin_user defined in group_vars/all/users.yml (default admin). If root login will be disabled on your server, it is critical for the admin_user to be defined in your list of users, with sudo first in this user's list of groups (see the Security docs). The default definition for the admin_user is shown below.

  - name: '{{ admin_user }}'
      - sudo
      - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
      # - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
      # -

admin_user: admin
  • You may enable colleagues to run server.yml by adding their public SSH keys to the admin_user.
  • If your hosting provider disables root but provides a default user such as ubuntu, specify admin_user: ubuntu.
  • If you are trying to override the dynamic selection of root or admin_user, preferring to manually specify the Ansible remote user, review notes in the section remote user variable precedence.


The deploy.yml playbook deploys your site while connecting as the web_user (default web) because this user owns files in the web root, the deploy destination. The web_group must come first in the list of groups for the web_user. The default definition for the web_user is shown below.

web_user: web
web_group: www-data

  - name: "{{ web_user }}"
      - "{{ web_group }}"
      - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
      # - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
      # -

You may enable colleagues to run deploy.yml by adding their public SSH keys to the web_user. See the example below.

Example users

The example below adds the SSH keys of GitHub users swalkinshaw and retlehs to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for admin_user. This enables swalkinshaw and retlehs to run server.yml to provision the servers. The example also adds their keys, and the keys of GitHub user austinpray, to web_user. This enables each of them to run deploy.yml to deploy sites.

  - name: '{{ web_user }}'
      - '{{ web_group }}'
  - name: '{{ admin_user }}'
      - sudo
  - name: another_user
      - some_group
      - some_other_group

The example above also demonstrates the option of creating another_user whose primary group is some_group, but who is also in some_other_group, and who has public SSH keys for swalkinshaw.


Removing a key and re-provisioning the server does not remove the key in the authorized_keys file.

# Cloning remote repo using SSH agent forwarding

All the SSH connections discussed above apply to Trellis connecting from your local machine to your server. It is a different type of connection, however, when Trellis clones a remote private repo during deployment. In this case, your remote server is allowed to forward your local machine's SSH credentials to the remote repo to authorize the connection.

The Trellis ansible.cfg file enables this SSH agent forwarding with ssh_args = -o ForwardAgent=yes. You should not need auth tokens or private keys for the web_user. If you run into trouble cloning a remote repo during deploy, see Using SSH agent forwarding for tips and troubleshooting.

# macOS/OS X users

Remember to import your SSH key password into Keychain. For macOS Monterey (12.0) and later, you should run:

$ ssh-add --apple-use-keychain

For versions prior, you need to run:

$ ssh-add -K


Last updated

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