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Server Logs
Accessing logs
Trellis CLI includes a logs
command for quickly accessing logs. It automatically integrates with GoAccess when the --goaccess
option is used.
$ trellis logs [options] ENVIRONMENT [SITE]
Description | Command |
View production logs | trellis logs production |
View access logs only | trellis logs --access production |
View error logs only | trellis logs --error production |
View logs in GoAccess | trellis logs --goaccess production |
View the last 50 log lines | trellis logs -n 50 production |
Run trellis logs --help
for further information.
Location of logs
Server logs for Trellis sites can be found at /srv/www/example.com/logs/
Any server 500 errors or white screen issues should be debugged by viewing the error logs in the /srv/www/example.com/logs/
Trellis uses the ansible-logrotate role to install and configure logrotate for sites and can be configured by editing group_vars/all/logrotate.yml
Last updated
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