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Python and Trellis

Trellis' main requirement is Python because Ansible is built with Python. This page documents the best way to install Python on your computer, how to manage Python package dependencies (like Ansible), common issues to avoid, and using trellis-cli to make your life easier.

When dealing with Trellis and Python, there's three key points:

  1. Make sure you have a stable version of Python 3 and pip installed
  2. Use trellis-cli since it handles dependencies for you
  3. Never use sudo when installing packages with pip

# Python 2 vs Python 3

Python 2 reached end-of-life in 2019 and hasn't been maintained since then. For that reason, newer version of Trellis (and trellis-cli) only support Python 3.

Unlike most languages that have a single version installed at a time, and only offer an "unversioned" single binary path (such as just node), Python can be more confusing because most operating systems treat them separately with python3 and python (which can be version 2 or 3 depending on your setup).

Regardless of the OS, it's still possible to symlink python3 to python for convenience as well.

# Installing Python

# macOS

Newer versions of macOS like Monterey and Big Sur come with both versions 2 and 3. Annoyingly though, the unversioned python is 2.7x while python3 needs to be explicitly used for Python 3.

While using the system Python on macOS should work fine, the main downside is that the versions are only updated when macOS itself has a new major version.

If you want to have more control over Python versions, we recommend using a tool like pyenv or asdf to install specific versions globally (or even per project if that's needed).

We do not recommend installing Python from Homebrew. This might be surprising since it goes against most guides and recommendations but we believe using Python from Homebrew will cause more problems long-term due to its newer "feature" of auto-upgrading packages as described in this article.

After Python is installed and working, you'll also need to ensure pip is installed. If pip or pip3 does not exist, it can be installed like this:

$ python3 -m ensurepip

# Ubuntu

Ubuntu 20.04 comes default with Python 3 available as python3 only. There's no "unversioned" python.

The python-is-python3 package exists solely as an easy way to symlink /usr/bin/python to python3.

$ sudo apt-get install -y python3 python-is-python3 python3-pip

# Windows

Roots recommends using WSL when using Windows. Since WSL uses Ubuntu, follow the Ubuntu section above.

# Installing and managing dependencies

Once you have Python working, the next step is ensuring you can install Trellis' dependencies. They are always declared in the requirements.txt file, but mainly this involves installing Ansible.

pip is Python's package installer and what Trellis recommends using. But this is where trellis-cli comes in!

# trellis-cli and Virtualenv

We strongly recommend using trellis-cli whenever possible since it will make your life managing dependencies and installing Ansible much easier.

trellis-cli uses Virtualenv to manage dependencies per project. It creates a "virtual environment" within each Trellis project so the dependencies are completely isolated. This allows different projects to have different versions of Ansible installed for example.

trellis-cli automatically creates a virtualenv and installs dependencies via pip at two points:

  1. when a new project is created with trellis new
  2. when trellis init is run for an existing project

Once the virtualenv exists, all other trellis commands automatically use it. This means running trellis deploy production will activate the virtualenv (within the CLI, for the lifetime of the command) and use the version of Ansible within the virtual environment.

When using trellis-cli, you should almost never have to use pip manually yourself. There's a more advanced Virtualenv integration offered as well. See the README for more details.

# Manually using pip

If you do need to run pip manually to install Ansible, here's a few tips:

  1. Never use sudo with pip. It will only cause problems.
  2. Make sure you're using the version of pip that corresponds to your Python version. If you're using Python 3, then you might need to use pip3.
  3. Avoid installing ansible directly with pip. Instead run pip install -r requirements.txt within a Trellis project to ensure you're getting a supported version of Ansible.


Last updated

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