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Existing Projects
The majority of the Trellis documentation focuses on setting up new projects. If you are collaborating on, or taking over an existing project, the process is a little different.
This documentation presumes your project follows the Roots Example Project recommendations.
Gather Information
To work on an existing Trellis project you need the following:
- Git repository access
- The Ansible Vault password
- Permissions for provisioning and deployment
- Your site's development URL
- A database dump and a copy of the project's
Git Repository Access
Roots recommends that Trellis projects be kept in private Git repositories. Make sure you have permission and access to the project's Git repository and any dependent plugin or theme repositories.
Ansible Vault password
Trellis stores passwords and other sensitive data in encrypted vault files. Retrieve the project's vault password from someone who already works on the project.
Permission for provisioning and deployment
If you need to provision this project's remote servers or deploy the project to staging or production, add your SSH keys to the necessary remote servers either by accessing the server directly, or by having someone who already has access add your SSH keys to the Trellis configuration and re-provision the server.
Your site's development URL
Review the project's trellis/group_vars/development/wordpress_sites.yml
and note its URL:
- canonical: example.test # <-- this is the development URL
Clone Your Project
$ git clone git@github.com:YourOrganization/example.com.git
Ansible Vault
Determine whether your vault files are encrypted by looking at the vault.yml
files in trellis/group_vars/
6237663637353638653266616562616535623465636265316231613331 etc.
If any of the vault.yml
files look like the example above, follow the vault instructions to configure your Ansible Vault and vault password.
Create Your Development VM
Run the following from any directory within your project:
$ trellis up
Confirm you can access the development site at the development URL noted earlier.
Import the database
Retrieve an export of the current project’s database.
For easy access during the import process, place the database export in your local project’s site
Run the following from any directory within your project:
$ trellis ssh development
Navigate to the web root:
$ cd /srv/www/example.com/current
Import the database with wp-cli:
$ wp db import example.com.sql
If the export is not from another development environment, search-and-replace the site's URL with wp-cli:
$ wp search-replace http://example.com http://example.test
Import the Uploads
Retrieve a copy of the current project’s uploads
directory and place it in your local project's site/web/app
Last updated
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