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How Trellis uses Ansible

Since Trellis is powered by Ansible, the best way to understand Trellis is to understand Ansible itself. Even knowing a few just key Ansible concepts will help you learn Trellis and how to customize it to fit your needs.

Ansible's own documentation is very comprehensive and should be considered as an extension of Trellis' documentation.

However, since Ansible itself is unopinionated, this will explore some key concepts and how they apply to Trellis.


At the highest level, Trellis provides a few playbooks which execute tasks organized into roles.

Trellis' playbooks are found in the root of Trellis itself:

  • dev.yml - provisions a development server. This playbook assumes that your local Trellis project files have been synced to a virtual machine and automatically installs WordPress.
  • server.yml - provisions a remote (non-dev) server. This playbook assumes you will be deploying sites separately and does not attempt to install WordPress.
  • deploy.yml - deploys a single site to an environment
  • rollback.yml - rolls back a previously deployed release
  • xdebug-tunnel.yml - opens or closes the PHP Xdebug tunnel


Each playbook listed above contains a list of roles to run. A role's main purpose is to group a collection of tasks to run within the tasks directory.

All of Trellis' roles are found under the top-level roles directory. Additionally, there are some 3rd party community roles used from Ansible Galaxy which are specified in the galaxy.yml file.

Roles in Trellis usually contain one of more of these subfolders:

  • defaults - variables defined with low precedence
  • tasks - tasks to be executed - the main functional part of roles
  • templates - templates in Jinja format which are used in tasks


In Ansible, inventory is a list of defined hosts in your infrastructure.

For most Trellis projects, this list of hosts is usually one development virtual machine, one staging server (optional), and one production server.

If you look at the default inventory files in hosts directory, you'll see three files named after the standard environments: development, staging, production.

Here's what an inventory file in Trellis looks like:



Each host is under two groups: the environment (production in this case) and web. These groups can be used for any semantic grouping you want, but in Trellis you at least need those two built-in ones.

Group variables

The "group" naming isn't the most clear, but as shown above, these refer to Ansible's concept of "inventory groups". And since Trellis' inventory hosts are named for environments, "group vars" are really just environment specific variables. Though they can also be used for any semantic grouping of inventory hosts for more advanced use cases.

Note: the all group (in group_vars/all) is special and applies to all groups.


All variables in Ansible can be considered global. Even if a variable is defined within a role (eg: roles/nginx/defaults/main.yml), it can be referenced or re-defined in a group_vars file. Once a role is included in a playbook, their variables (in defaults or vars) are available globally.


As an example, let's say you wanted to change PHP's max execution time in development to be higher than in production.

php_max_execution_time is found in roles/php/defaults/main.yml.

We can apply two things we learned above:

  1. variables are global
  2. group vars can be used to define environment specific values

Taking advantage of Ansible's variable precendence, we'll just override the variable by re-defining it in group_vars/development/php.yml:

php_max_execution_time: 500

Last updated

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