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Bedrock with Lando

Lando is a local development environment. In this guide you will learn how to setup a Bedrock-based WordPress site with Lando.

Configuring a Lando recipe for Bedrock

After installing Bedrock, you can either use lando init to create the recipe, or you can just drop in the contents of the recipe file that you will find below within a file called .lando.yml.

To use the CLI, run lando init --recipe wordpress and answer the following prompts:

  • From where should we get your app's codebase? current working directory
  • Where is your webroot relative to the init destination? web
  • What do you want to call this app? bedrock

Or, just drop in the following .lando.yml file in the root of your Bedrock directory:

# .lando.yml
name: bedrock
recipe: wordpress
  webroot: web
    type: php:8.2 # Bedrock requires PHP >= 8.0

Configure environment variables

Bedrock requires environment variables to be configured in order to get started.

The .env file must be configured with Lando's database settings along with your home URL. Update the following values in your .env file:



Setup trusted certificates

Make sure to follow the instructions in the Lando docs for Trusting the CA to avoid warnings on your browser when visiting your site.

Start your Lando site

Run lando start, and then your site will be accessible from

Last updated

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