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Bedrock with DevKinsta

DevKinsta is a local WordPress development environment. In this guide you will learn how to setup a Bedrock-based WordPress site with DevKinsta.

Create a new site

  1. Create a new site from the DevKinsta interface using the Custom site option
  2. Select the Empty site option

In this guide, we'll use example as the site name.

Installing Bedrock from the terminal

Navigate to the site path for your DevKinsta site:

$ cd ~/DevKinsta/public/example

Once you are in the example/ folder for your DevKinsta site, either install Bedrock with Composer or clone your existing git repository into this directory:

$ composer create-project roots/bedrock

Your folder structure should now look like this:

# @ ~/DevKinsta/
├── kinsta
├── logs
├── nginx_sites
├── private
├── public
│   └── example
│       ├── bedrock
│       └── index.html
├── ssl
└── wp

Configure environment variables

Bedrock requires environment variables to be configured in order to get started.

The .env file in the app/bedrock/ directory must be configured with Local's database settings along with your home URL. Update the following values in your .env file:



Make sure to populate the DB_PASSWORD based on the provided password in the DevKinsta interface for your site.

Set the webroot in DevKinsta's site config

DevKinsta's site config is located at ~/DevKinsta/nginx_sites/example.conf. Open this file and modify theroot path:

-root /www/kinsta/public/example;
+root /www/kinsta/public/example/bedrock/web;

You will need to restart your site after making these changes, and then your site will be accessible at http://example.local.

Last updated

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