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Upgrading Acorn

Upgrading to v5.x from v4.x

Acorn v5 includes Laravel v12 components, whereas Acorn v4 includes Laravel v10 components.

Upgrading dependencies

Acorn v5 requires PHP >= 8.2.

Update the roots/acorn dependency in your composer.json file to ^5.0:

$ composer require roots/acorn ^5.0 -W

The -W flag is required to upgrade the included Laravel dependencies.

If any packages/dependencies have conflicts while updating, try removing and then re-requiring them after Acorn is bumped to 5.x.

Breaking changes

The most significant change in v5 is how Acorn is booted. The bootloader() helper has been deprecated in favor of using Application::configure(). This change aligns Acorn with Laravel 11's new application configuration system, providing a more fluent and powerful way to configure your application.

You'll need to import the Application class at the top of your file:

use Roots\Acorn\Application;

Then update your bootstrapping code:

- add_action('after_setup_theme', fn () => \Roots\bootloader()->boot(), 0);
+ add_action('after_setup_theme', function () {
+     Application::configure()
+         ->withProviders([
+             App\Providers\ThemeServiceProvider::class,
+         ])
+         ->boot();
+ }, 0);

If you have previously registered service providers through either composer.json (extra.acorn.providers) or config/app.php, you'll need to migrate these to the new configuration method. All providers should now be registered using withProviders() when configuring the application. Remove any provider configurations from your composer.json and config files, and instead register them directly in your bootstrapping code:


Config changes

If you have published Acorn's configs, you should review and update them based on the latest versions in the Acorn repo.

Upgrading to v4.x from v3.x

Acorn v4 includes Laravel v10 components, whereas Acorn v3 includes Laravel v9 components.

Upgrading dependencies

Acorn v4 requires PHP >= 8.1.

Update the roots/acorn dependency in your composer.json file to ^4.0:

$ composer require roots/acorn ^4.0 -W

The -W flag is required to upgrade the included Laravel dependencies.

If any packages/dependencies have conflicts while updating, try removing and then re-requiring them after Acorn is bumped to 4.x.

Config changes

If you previously published Acorn's config(s), you will need to update them based on the configs in the Acorn repo (history). You mainly need the new provider changes if you published config/app.php.

+ use Roots\Acorn\ServiceProvider;

-    'timezone' => get_option('timezone_string', 'UTC'),
+    'timezone' => get_option('timezone_string') ?: 'UTC',

-    'providers' => [
+    'providers' => ServiceProvider::defaultProviders()->merge([
-        /*
-         * Framework Service Providers...
-         */
-        Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider::class,
-        Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,
-        Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider::class,
-        // ...
-        Roots\Acorn\Providers\AcornServiceProvider::class,
-        Roots\Acorn\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::class,
-        Roots\Acorn\View\ViewServiceProvider::class,

          * Package Service Providers...

          * Application Service Providers...
         // App\Providers\ThemeServiceProvider::class,

-    ],
+    ])->toArray(),

Breaking changes

The breaking changes this time are minimal and should not impact most users.

Service providers should now extend Illuminate:

- use Roots\Acorn\ServiceProvider;
+ use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

View Composer Arrayable trait uses property Composer::$except instead of Arrayable::$ignore.

 class Alert extends Composer
     use Arrayable;

-    $ignore = ['token'];
+    $except = ['token'];

Asset Contract adds relativePath() method. So if you're implementing this contract, you'll need to update it. (Most users will not be impacted by this.)

 class MyAsset implements Asset
+    relativePath(string $base_path): string
+    {
+        // ...
+    }

Upgrading to v3.x from v2.x

Acorn v3 includes Laravel v9 components, whereas Acorn v2 includes Laravel v8 components.

Upgrading dependencies

Acorn v3 requires PHP >= 8.0.2.

Update the roots/acorn dependency in your composer.json file to ^3.0:

$ composer require roots/acorn ^3.0 -W

The -W flag is required to upgrade the included Laravel dependencies.


Acorn v2 is typically booted in your WordPress theme's functions.php file. Look for the line that includes \Roots\bootloader(), and replace it with \Roots\bootloader()->boot().


We highly recommend removing the exception from bootloader to prevent service providers from silently skipping on local dev, a change that was introduced in Acorn v3.1.0 (PR #266) and Sage v10.5.1 (PR #3121). Replace the original bootloader method:

try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
    wp_die('You need to install Acorn to use this theme.'),

With the new one:

if (! function_exists('\Roots\bootloader')) {
        __('You need to install Acorn to use this theme.', 'sage'),
            'link_url' => '',
            'link_text' => __('Acorn Docs: Installation', 'sage'),

add_action('after_setup_theme', fn () => \Roots\bootloader()->boot(), 0);

You can also remove the theme support added for Sage if you are working on a Sage-based WordPress theme:


Target class [sage.view] does not exist

Some setups may require changes if you run into the following error:

Target class [sage.view] does not exist

In this case, edit the ThemeServiceProvider and make sure it extends SageServiceProvider and has parent:: calls to register() and boot() if they are present:

# app/Providers/ThemeServiceProvider.php

namespace App\Providers;

-use Roots\Acorn\ServiceProvider;
+use Roots\Acorn\Sage\SageServiceProvider;

-class ThemeServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
+class ThemeServiceProvider extends SageServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
-        //
+        parent::register();

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
-        //
+        parent::boot();

After doing so, you may need to delete Acorn's application cache directory. By default, this is located in [wp-content|app]/cache/acorn/.

Reference the Acorn v3 upgrade pull request on the Sage repo to see a full diff.

Target class [assets.manifest] does not exist

Some setups may require changes if you run into the following error:

Target class [assets.manifest] does not exist

This error can be fixed by copying over the latest changes to the config/app.php file from Acorn.

Last updated

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