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Generating language files

Run yarn translate:pot from your theme directory to generate the language files. Then open the generated .pot file with Poedit, select "Create new translation", save .mo & .po files in the resources/lang folder with the correct name syntax (eg. fr_FR, en_US).

When adding/removing translations in templates, run yarn translate:update, then select "Catalog > Update from a POT file" in Poedit.

Loading language files

Add the following to app/setup.php:

add_action('after_setup_theme', function () {
    load_theme_textdomain('sage', get_template_directory() . '/resources/lang');

Make sure language files exist in the resources/lang directory.

Polylang and Sage

Need to also translate strings from the app/ folder? See Sage_Polylang_Theme_Translation.

Last updated

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