The app/
directory contains all the theme functionality. Since Sage is a starter theme, it’s okay for you to modify files within app/
to meet the needs of the site you’re building.
Most of the PHP code in Sage is namespaced and autoloaded, so make sure to use namespaced functions and classes. If you aren't familiar with these methods, see our blog posts on:
The app/
— Enqueue stylesheets and scripts, register support for theme features withadd_theme_support
, register navigation menus and sidebars. See Theme Configuration and Setup. -
— Add WordPress filters in this file. Filters included by default:-
— add "… Continued" to excerpts.
— The place for any Service Providers you care to define for your theme. Comes withThemeServiceProvider
that adds no functionality but provides a template for your own Service Providers. -
— The place for view-related code, i.e. Composers and Components. For more information, see the documentation on Composers and Components.
Last updated
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