All of the configuration for Sage lives inside of app/setup.php
. Each option is documented allowing for you to easily familiarize yourself with the options configured out of the box.
Theme Configuration
Configuration specific to WordPress resides in the app/setup.php
file. In this file, you will find the default enqueued stylesheets and scripts, the supported theme features added with add_theme_support
, and the registration hooks for navigation menus and sidebars.
By default, Sage is configured to:
- Enqueue
on the frontend. - Enqueue
in the Gutenberg editor. - Add theme support for common functionality.
- Register a default navigation menu called
. - Register a primary and footer Sidebar widget area.
Sage ships with a starter theme.json
that is generated from the build based on your Tailwind config. See the Gutenberg docs for further information.
Last updated
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