Blade Templates
Sage uses Laravel's Blade templating engine.
The Blade templating language is described in much more depth in the Laravel docs, which we recommend you read for a full understanding of how it works. Nearly everything described there should work in Sage.
The following are some of the Blade features you're likely to find yourself using regularly.
One of the primary features of Blade is the @include
directive (which also has a few useful variants). @include
allows you to use a Blade file in any other Blade file, and creates a new scope for each included file.
Variables define in a given view will cascade down to views that it @includes
, but you can also pass data directly to Blade templates by passing a keyed array as the second argument to the @include()
The key names will become the variable names that their values are assigned to.
@include('partials.example-partial', ['variableName' => 'Variable Value']
<!-- /resources/views/partials/example-partial.blade.php -->
<h1>{{ $variableName }}</h1>
<!-- <h1>Variable Value</h1> -->
A layout is a special kind of template that can be extended. It's useful when you have a lot of HTML content surrounding something you want to be dynamic—for instance the header and footer of a site.
<!-- resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php -->
<!-- resources/views/page.blade.php -->
<h1>{{ $title }}</h1>
<div>{!! $content !!}}</div>
The extending view (page.blade.php
in this case) can then "insert" its content into these sections to be rendered.
Passing data to templates
The best way to handle passing data to templates is to use Composers, which allow you to separate data handling and manipulation from the view where that data is used. With Composers, you can bind data to any Blade template file.
You can also pass data directly to Blade templates when @include
ing them by passing a keyed array as the second argument to the @include()
The key names will become the variable names that their values are assigned to.
@include('partials.example-partial', ['variableName' => 'Variable Value'])
<!-- /resources/views/partials/example-partial.blade.php -->
<h1>{{ $variableName }}</h1>
<!-- <h1>Variable Value</h1> -->
WP-CLI utility
If you need to clear or compile Blade templates, you can do so with WP-CLI:
# Compile all Blade templates
$ wp acorn view:cache
# Clear all Blade templates
$ wp acorn view:clear
Additional resources
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