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You will need to make sure that your deployment process handles the following:

  1. Run npm install && npm run build from the project root
  2. Copy contents of public/build/ folder to your server (produced from npm run build)
  3. Run composer install
  4. Run wp acorn optimize
  5. Run wp acorn icons:cache (if using Blade Icons)
  6. Run wp login install --activate (if wanting to use the WP-CLI login command)

Deploying with Trellis

If you choose to use Trellis for handling your deployments, there are two options:

  1. Use GitHub Actions with setup-trellis-cli — uncomment the deploy job from .github/workflows/deploy.yml. It is configured to deploy to the production environment on every push to the main branch
  2. Run trellis deploy <environment>

Last updated

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