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Announcing Acorn Prettify

Ben Word Ben Word on

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new package, Acorn Prettify, which is the successor to the Soil plugin.

Soil was originally included with the Roots starter theme from 2011 through 2014. When Roots v7 was released, Soil was split out into a standalone plugin.

We’re going all-in on Acorn, and we’re excited to watch the adoption of Acorn and it’s package ecosystem grow. Acorn Prettify includes the main features from Soil that we’re going to continue to maintain, including:

  • Clean up/cleaner WordPress markup
  • Nice search
  • Relative URLs, which are now disabled by default

Migrating from Soil to Acorn Prettify

Remove Soil as a Composer dependency:

$ composer remove roots/soil

Add Acorn Prettify as a Composer dependency:

$ composer require roots/acorn-prettify

Sage users can also remove the add_theme_support options for Soil from their app/setup.php file.

(See this example from the Sage repo)

Configuration file

Acorn Prettify’s features are enabled through a config file (config/prettify.php)

To modify any of the defaults, publish the config file and then edit it to make your changes:

$ wp acorn vendor:publish --tag=prettify-config

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About the author

Ben Word

Ben Word has been creating WordPress sites since 2004. He loves dogs, climbing, and yoga, and is passionate about helping people build awesome things on the web.

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